It is clear that social media is making an huge impact on guild; information technology is impossible to ignore.  It impacts everyone, whether they have social media or not.  The impacts intercede into every aspect of life in more than one fashion.  But the way that the attention span of order has exponentially decreased is relevant to all.  As educators, it is visible that non merely are students distracted by social media during grade, but when the distraction is removed, attending is extremely difficult to proceeds and retain.  This is greatly diminishing the effectiveness of a valuable and retainable education.  In the sources below, the detriments that social media is causing to attention span is discussed.  When taking this information into consideration and applying information technology to the boilerplate student, the impacts become articulate.

Book (Link to an Overview)

In this book, The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media,a plethora of information is discussed on the touch that social media has on society.  It goes through some of the history of social media and how it has increasingly impacted club.  A topic that is focused on is the decreased attention span for things, such as printed books, due to the lack of attention span required for the mainstream social medias.

It is a apparent source, written by a respected author, José Van Dijik, and published by a respected company, Oxford University Press.  Information technology was published fairly recently in 2013.  The reviews of this book prove information technology valuable, and its purpose is clear and served.  Most of the book is fact based.

Opinion News

This article further discusses the short attention bridge of gild and sheds light on how this occurred.  It likewise gives some suggestions on how to fight this reality, including things that are encouraged in a classroom, such every bit reading.

This opinion news article is valuable due to its recent publication in 2016.  Some data is fact based, simply it is slightly biased in that it is an opinion news article.  Information technology does, however, discuss data that is relevant to and proven past multiple people.  The New York Times is a credited site and news source.

Website Prove

This website discusses the impact of decreased attention spans and how it can influence success of ads, media, or websites.  This is helpful when explaining why some sources are so ineffective for utilize in a classroom, as students so quickly become disinterested.

This source is advisory, but an author is not listed, making it difficult to business relationship for the brownie of the author.  It does, however, use several cited sources and studies that are valuable and credible, such as a study done by Microsoft.


This video, from Newsy, compares the attending span of humans to the attention bridge of a goldfish.  It comes to the determination that this low attention span is in office due to our exposure to media.

Many credible studies are shown, including those from Microsoft Canada.  Information technology was fairly recently published in 2015.  This serves its purpose of proving but how low the attending span of humans has go.

Professional Organization Website

The Heart for Internet and Technology Addiction is an organization that informs and acts on where addiction to internet and applied science is present.  Their website provides data on where this is present and some resource to addressing the problem.  Dr. Greenfield is a respected scholar who is cited in many articles discussing the impact of media on attending span.

This website is very credible, as it is shared commonly, backed upward past informed experts on this topic, and is consistently updated.  There is a plethora of boosted data and links to other credible sources.